

You may book by e-mail or phone. The reservation will be only valid on receipt of a deposit of 30 % of the price (without charge for us) of your stay:

  • Bank:
    Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra – Filiale di Pomarance – Via Antonio Gramsci 27 – 56045 – Pomarance (PI) – IBAN: IT87B0637071110000010002533 – BIC/SWIFT: CRVOIT3VXXX

In case of payment by bank transfer please send us a copy of the receipt with mail.

  • Paypal:
    You can send your payment of the deposit by credit card using the PayPal service:

Cancellation policies

Balance will be paid on your arrival.

– Until 30 day from the arrival date 30%;

– After your arrival shell charge the whole price.